Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2006


ONES UPON A TIME... (long long time agooooo......)
aku ngobrol ama Aaron.. my best pal I ever had. Qta ngobrolin "priority of your life". And then.. aku cerita, kalo aku pernah iseng2 buat list "50 things I wanna do".
and he said, "Wow.. r u serious ?". Yah namanya juga iseng-iseng aja, gak ada kerjaan hehehe.
Nah Aaron penasaran banget.. pengen tau apa yang ada di list no. 1-10 (gak bisa gw sebutin di sini yeeee...hihihihi).
Tadinya sih gak mau aku sebutin.. tapi akhirnya aku bocorin juga.. (coz he is so charming hahahha, jadi luluh nih).
Sebelumnya qta biasa ngobrolin type cowok yang aku suka, atau type cewek yang dia suka. Atau dengerin cerita2 dia & antrian cewek2nya hehehhe... when he lost love of his life (really sad when I heard that) saking banyaknya bikin gw bingung.
Nah diantara 1-10 itu tersebutlah kata "MARRIAGE"...
"What !!! I am just ordinary woman.. with a beutiful marriage dream". Its natural, isn't it ?
Yup.. alamiah banget kan kalo aku mulai membuat rencana tentang "pernikahan" dan berkhayal kayak gimana yah pernikahan aku nanti.
Lalu dia tanya menurut gw pernikahan itu apa sih ??
Then I answer...
"Hhmm.. marriage. It's a time when Our bond complete, it hath no end. We share one soul, we share one heart."
(sok idealis banget gak sih hehehe)..... then;
A perfect time - a perfect start. With these rings we share together, to last forever.

Hasilnya... aku ditertawakan :(
Yah namanya juga orang timur...
Sebenernya aku gak full buat 50, cuman nyampe 30an gitu.
no. 23 : pengen nonton Java Jazz Festival (eh terlaksana)
no. 32 : beli CD The Best of Daniel Sahuleka (eh ada yg ngasih, tapi trus hilang. baru okt '06 beli lagi)...
no. 8 : lolos PDK Deplu & jadi Diplomat..(hehehe cuman test ampe tahap 3, malu ey gak lolos)
no. 12 : beli HP GSM yg bisa diinstall agile messeger buat chating (done !)

"Have u add me to your list ?" ...... lol (he asked me that)
"to be honest... NO."
"but maybe I can add me at no. 51 hahahhahaha"
"Well maybe, I have to think about it"...heheheheh dasar orang gila yang charming.

OKAY !! Just like my fav. quote "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do, where there is love & inspiration... i don't think you can go wrong"

Kalo aku lagi berjuang untuk sesuatu yg lagi aku mau, mamah ku selalu berkata/ kirim SMS, isinya sih singkat : "GO.. GO.. POWER GIRL".

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