Jumat, 30 Juni 2006

On JC's wedding party

Marriage Is the Closest Kind of Friendship

Marriage is the closest kind of friendship.
Years of traffic wear away the lines

Between two souls with similar designs,
Ending more in unity than kinship.
Separate actors must play separate parts:
They must alone be riveted by need.

Far beneath that soil a single seed
Roots itself, tenacious in their hearts.
In love there is a trust beyond the word.
Each finds peace in each, as though the light
Needed the tranquility of night,
Deeper than what silence can be heard

(lady in red that's me) .... JC u just like my lil'sis. May your marriage bring you all the exquisite excitements a marriage should bring, and may life grant you also patience, tolerance, and understanding.
Have a new life at HK. Am gonna miss you lots !! Hopes Doddy take care of you well....
Love u sis !!

1 komentar:

kwekweksqu mengatakan...

waaaa....seruu bgt...sayang ga bs ikutan poto soalnya i'm the queeen of that day

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