Rabu, 12 Oktober 2005

hari ini gw balik kantor 9 PM

hari ke 8 berpuasa. gw baru pulang kantor jam 9 PM ntar.
Tadi qta buka puasa bareng di Simpang Raya. Melly udah take tempat duluan di sana, soalnya pasti penuh banget.
Yang bikin seneng.. qta dibayarin mas Bowo... wuiiiihhh gretong bok !
Trus abis buka, qta balik lagi ke kantor.... sebel banget kan. Gak bisa tarawih.. gak bisa kumpul bareng keluarga. But it's OK !!!
Kerjaan gw baru kelar 9 PM. Bentar lagi mo balik nih, sempet2in buat blog dulu heheheheh.
Yup... hari ini gw balik jam 9 PM. Bertiga bareng Melly & Gia.
Gambareeeeee !!!

2 komentar:

Jerome Jackson mengatakan...

Matt Asay joining as regular contributor to Open Resource
In an attempt to bring a bit of intellect to this blog, Matt Asay will be joining me here as a regular contributor in the very near future.
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SonnyM mengatakan...

RDF Schema for musical family trees?
O'Reilly European Open Source Convention October 17-20, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands I was recently talking to another alternative music geek at a party -- trying to explain the incestuous relationship ...
If you have a moment, please visit my site that focuses on cause of depression you may like too. It pretty much covers cause of depression related stuff.

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Sonny M.

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